Thoughts on The Golden Globes

I didn't watch the Golden Globes last night; I wanted to, but I kind of forgot they were on. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't because I likely would have been very annoyed. Granted, everyone knows the Globes are mostly a joke - they're more or less a form of entertainment, not a true reflection on the best in film over the year. Looking at this year's list of winners though, it looks like the Globes turned into the People's Choice awards.

The biggest problem I have is Avatar winning Best Drama. Are you kidding me? I liked Avatar and think it's a good film, but there's no way it's a best movie of any year. Up In The Air was immensely better, and it's very likely that The Hurt Locker and Inglourious Basterds are better films too, at least based on the reviews I've read thus far (still waiting to see them myself). I just really don't understand how you can award a movie with such a basic plot and stereotypical characters (I mean, c'mon, the whole plot was pretty much the story of the Native Americans). Besides the technology, there's nothing extraordinary about Avatar besides the insane amount of money it's made (which I'm assuming is the real reason it won last night).

I don't have as big of a problem with Best Director - I think the direction in Avatar was pretty good - but I think the Foreign Press just gave it to him because he's Jim Cameron.

Haven't seen (500) Days of Summer yet, but I love the win for The Hangover over the other films in the category.

Most of the other winners were fairly respectable, I guess, but it really did feel like a People's Choice winner's list. Hopefully the Oscar's actually ignore this (they usually do) and actually give their awards to deserving films.