Boy Air Traffic Controller Controversy

Am I the only one who thinks people are making a mountain out of a molehill with this whole Boy Directs Air Traffic Control story? Yes, the guy was wrong for letting his son communicate with the pilots, but isn't relieving the guy - and his supervisor - of their jobs a bit extreme? It's not like the kid was talking gibberish here; he was simply repeating what his father probably told him to say. If the guy would've brought his wife in and she would've said those same words, it would be no big deal. But since it's a kid, it's now a national controversy?

Like I said, I don't think it's right; the guy shouldn't have let his kid do that. But did the pilots care? No. Did the other controllers care? No. Does the media care? Obviously. Does anyone else really think they are less safe because of this? I certainly don't, and I can't imagine anyone making an argument in opposition to that.